Want to be a Billionaire?
Over the weekend one of my facebook friends shouted “I want to be a….. billionaire!” I found out she was echoing the words of a song.
Notwithstanding that, I sensed a bit of hopefulness in her words, so I commented saying “I can show you how!” With lightening speed she responded:“I’m taking notes Nick!”

Isn’t a billion dollars made up of $1.00 bills?
Seldom we recognize the power of $1.00 and dispense with it without thinking twice and we even pass up billions of opportunities to earn it too.
Think about this:
“You cannot be a Billionaire without first being a Millionaire”
“You’re not a Millionaire without being a Hundred Thousand-aire”
“You would first have to be a: Ten-Thousand-aire, Thousand-aire, Hundred-aire and of course a Dollar-aire”
If not, you are simply hoping to get lucky. What are the odds, when betting on a Million Dollar jackpot? How much would you have to invest to guarantee your chances of success?
A wise person once said: “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”
Nick says: “Make your own Luck!”